The Monitor is a device that delivers a large foam or water stream and normally is mounted on a stationary support that either is elevated or is at grade. The monitor can be fed solution by permanent piping or hose.
"Kobra" manually lever operated monitor mod. SE-KM-L
Manually operated directional controller. Suitably equipped for water supply nozzle (SE- CA), foam supply models (SE-LS) and (SE-LS- A), or “FIREX” nozzle (SE-FX) and (SE-FX- A), this unit is ideal for protecting warehouses, petroleum storage areas, refineries, tankers, fire-fighting ships and oil drilling platforms. It can also be mounted on mobile fire-fighting equipment, both trailers and self-powered.
Bronze lever monitor mod. SE-KM-L-BZ
Manually operated directional controller. Suitably equipped for water supply nozzle (SE- CA), foam supply models (SE-LS) and (SE-LS- A), or “FIREX” nozzle (SE-FX) and (SE-FX- A), this unit is ideal for protecting warehouses, petroleum storage areas, refineries, tankers, fire-fighting ships and oil drilling platforms. It can also be mounted on mobile fire-fighting equipment, both trailers and self-powered.
"Kobra" manually lever operated monitor mod. SE-KM-2V
Manually operated directional controller. Suitably equipped for water supply nozzle (SE- CA), foam supply models (SE-LS) and (SE-LS- A), or “FIREX” nozzle (SE-FX) and (SE-FX- A), this unit is ideal for protecting warehouses, petroleum storage areas, refineries, tankers, fire-fighting ships and oil drilling platforms. It can also be mounted on mobile fire-fighting equipment, both trailers and self-powered.
Self-oscillating unit mod. SE-UA
Self-powered oscillating unit with automatic horizontal movement. Can be deactivated or adjusted angle of coverage as necessary. Equipped with monitor and appropriate nozzle, water type (SE-CA), foam type (SE-LS) and (SE-LS-A), or “FIREX” nozzle (SE-FX) and (SE-FX-A), this unit is ideal for the protection of warehouses, petroleum storage areas, refineries, tankers, fire-fighting ships, and oil drilling platforms. It can also be mounted on mobile fire-fighting equipment.
"Kobra" oscillating lever operated monitor mod. SE-UAKM-L
Self-powered oscillating unit with automatic horizontal movement. Can be deactivated or adjusted angle of coverage as necessary. Equipped with monitor and appropriate nozzle, water type (SE-CA), foam type (SE-LS) and (SE-LS-A), or “FIREX” nozzle (SE-FX) and (SE-FX-A), this unit is ideal for the protection of warehouses, petroleum storage areas, refineries, tankers, fire-fighting ships, and oil drilling platforms. It can also be mounted on mobile fire-fighting equipment.
"Kobra" oscillating hand-wheel operated monitor mod. SE-UAKM-V
Self-powered oscillating unit with automatic horizontal movement. Can be deactivated or adjusted angle of coverage as necessary. Equipped with monitor and appropriate nozzle, water type (SE-CA), foam type (SE-LS) and (SE-LS-A), or “FIREX” nozzle (SE-FX) and (SE-FX-A), this unit is ideal for the protection of warehouses, petroleum storage areas, refineries, tankers, fire-fighting ships, and oil drilling platforms. It can also be mounted on mobile fire-fighting equipment.
Electrically operated remote controlled "Kobra" monitor mod. SE-EKM
Directional controller, remote controlled electrically from a suitable control panel, this assembly is also available in an explosion- proof version. It has been especially designed for difficult-to-reach locations or those dangerous for the operator. It works with SE-EFX nozzle.
Electrically operated remote controlled "Kobra" monitor mod. SE-EKM ATEX
Directional controller, remote controlled electrically from a suitable control panel, this assembly is also available in an explosion- proof version. It has been especially designed for difficult-to-reach locations or those dangerous for the operator.
It works with SE-EFX nozzle.
Hydraulically operated remote controlled "Kobra" monitor mod. SE-OKM
Directional controller, remotely operated hydraulically from a suitable control panel, this assembly is inherently explosion-proof, suitable for locations where explosive gases are present. An adequately sized hydraulic pump unit is required for operation. It has been especially designed for difficult-to-reach locations or those dangerous for the operator. It works with SE-OFX nozzle.
Lever monitor mod. SE-P2
Lever operated monitor 2 1⁄2”. Body in brass construction suitably equipped with nozzles (SE-ZZ ó SE-ZZ-A), this unit is ideal for protecting warehouses, petroleum storage areas, refineries, tankers, fire-fighting ships and oil drilling platforms. It can also be mounted on mobile fire-fighting equipment, both trailers and self-powered.
Lever monitor mod. SE-P3
Lever operated monitor. Body in brass construction 3” diameter suitably equipped with nozzles (SE-ZZ ó SE-ZZ-A) ,this unit is ideal for protecting warehouses, petroleum storage areas, refineries, tankers, fire-fighting ships and oil drilling platforms. It can also be mounted on mobile fire-fighting equipment, both trailers and self-powered.
Wheel monitor mod. SE-V3
Hand wheel operated monitor 3” brass construction.
Suitably equipped with nozzles(SE-ZZ ó SE- ZZ-A) ,this unit is ideal for protecting warehouses, petroleum storage areas, refineries, tankers, fire-fighting ships and oil drilling platforms. It can also be mounted on mobile fire-fighting equipment, both trailers and self-powered.
Portable monitor mod. SE-PRT
Aluminium construction. Portable monitor with great stability.
Suitable for quick response water inlet by means of one or two 70 mm hoses. Suitably equipped with nozzles SE-Z-2.
Monitor trailer with tank mod. SE-MT-2A
Wheeled assembly designed for manual or automatic oscillating directional controllers, utilizing vacuum feed of foam concentrate. A foam concentrate tank can be mounted on it.
Fixed or rotating platform monitor tower mod. SE-TPM-G
A tower designed to support directional controllers, designed specifically for wharves and other areas requiring long water throw and altitude variation. Its angle of rotation is unlimited, and it offers good visibility.
Fixed or rotating platform monitor tower mod. SE-TPM-G
A tower designed to support directional controllers, designed specifically for wharves and other areas requiring long water throw and altitude variation. Its angle of rotation is unlimited, and it offers good visibility.